A Rival and a Friend

Playthrough, Porter's Line

A day in the life of the Terrell-Hurd ghost, Q. 

So, Q’s original name was Callen as real names go, but he was supposed to be renamed as “Quinn;” But as I mentioned before, I sorta hit enter without typing it all out… Then I just kept it. :#
Why I didn’t keep “Callen” was because that was Tim’s older brother’s name, or Porter’s first son. …And he died, too. I usually won’t have much of a problem with same names, but that’s literally two ghosts named “Callen Terrell-Hurd” with one being an elder and the other being a child. 😮

Anyway, going off topic. So what does a little ghost like Q do? You’d have your ghost doctors and all, but what about a little kid with eternal youth?

His day usually starts off as normal; In the mornings, he’d grab a bite to eat (normally one of his dad’s bagels.)

Though it doesn’t go  as smoothly, as he leaves a trail of laughter.
He is a ghost who died via laughter, so it’s only normal his relatives would randomly get giggle fits, right? He’s fond of eating near his older brothers or Hugh.

On school days, he’s fond of mischievously spooking Howard’s little lady friends when they come by to swim.

When no one new comes over, he’s usually cooped up in his room being a Voidcritter addict.

He does get some fresh–er… Moderately clean air looking for booster packs.
He hadn’t actually made a real friend that’d come by most of the time as most my kids normally do, until…
“…Eww, were you playing in the trash?”
“No, I was looking for…”

“…You know what, bye.”
“But why would you go in the garbage?
“I don’t need to explain myself.”
“But  that’s so gross, why would–”

Ugh, I can’t tell him I was digging in the trash for new cards, he’ll think I’m weird…
(Q, you’re a ghost. You can’t get any weirder than that. Probably.)
(sighs) “Okay, if I tell you, would you stop whining over there?”
“Huh? Sure.”
“I had my cards out and I think the maid threw one of mine away.”
“My… Er… Voidcritter cards.”

“Oh cool, you collect Voidcritter cards?! I do too! I’ll give you one of mine since you lost one of yours!”

Q traded him a garbage Yorier card and…

“It’s a void-type card since you’re a ghost, hahaha.”
Oh wow,  Power level 10?! Maybe he’s not as annoying as I thought… I feel a little guilty though…

“You um… Wanna come over to play?”
“Hm, well, my mom said I gotta get home by 7… But I live nearby, so I can hang out for a bit longer.”

So Terrence came by and he and Q played…

The game of imagination in the basement,  I guess. LOL.

“Oh yeah, you said you collect Voidcritter cards. Which ones don’t you have right now? I have a lot.”

Hm, I have most of them, but… I wonder what I could get out of this guy…
“The Void ones. They’re hard to get!”

“Whaat? Really? I have a ton!”

Introducing Q’s new Voidcritter sugar daddy

Woah, this kid’s a goldmine!
“C-Could I really have this?!”

“Yeah! I have a bunch of those. I didn’t have many of the Earth ones, so I’m pretty glad you said you didn’t have many Void-type cards.”
“You got some good cards–Wanna play a game upstairs? I’ve got a battle station in my room!”

“Woah, awesome! I have to sneak off to the library to train some of my critters!”
“I bought mine [with my dad’s money] online! C’mon, wanna have that battle?”
“Heck yeah!”

So they headed off to Q’s room. 🙂
Ohh, Cyprin. Darn, I thought he would’ve picked a Void card.

“Heh, bet you thought I was gonna bring out a void card, weren’t you?”
Dang, I did!
“Nahh. We’re just playing for fun.”

And the battle was going pretty slow with both sides being docile…

“Aaah, my ultimate move!”

“Whoo, crit!”
Did he just… Crit me?

I’m at less than half health now because of a measly crit?

“Haha, nice! Let me show you my move!”

“W-Woah! That does so much damage! W-What?”

“Haha, I know, right?”

“So. Much.”

“U-um Q? You’re kinda… No, wait, I know what you’re doing! S-Stop! Mercy!”



It was at this point where Terrence found out…

There’s no such thing as mercy in Q’s vocabulary.

“C-Cyprin’s… Defeated.”


…And that he’s a sore winner.
“Q – 1, Terrence – 0.”

“I’ll get you next time, Q.”

“This isn’t the last you’ve seen of me!”

“Sure! Run home to mommy and daddy, ahaha!”

Terrence left pretty quickly after that. …But the vengeance burning inside the little guy won’t fade as quick.

When night fell, Q had an unexpected visitor.
O-Oh my god! A monster!

He rushed over to his dad and uncle’s room.
“Dad! Dad! Something serious!! There’s a monster under my bed!”

“Wait… Did you really get me out of bed so you could tell me this?”

(sighs) “Q, you’re a ghost. Just scare it back or whatever.”

(grumbling) “Now I gotta have a bowl of chowder to get me tired again… Darn kid, I got work tomorrow…”
Tim left the room and went to the kitchen for a midnight snack.

Still in a panic, Q turns over to Hugh.
“Uncle Huey, Uncle Huey, please wake up! There’s a monster under my bed and I’m really scared!”

(loud snoring)


Tim came back eating some chowder.
“Damn, this some darn good chowder.”

“Dad, the monster?? Pleeeease?”
“Oh, Q.”

-slams face into light-

“Here’s a bright idea. How ’bout ya be a big boy and tell the monster to just go away so your old Dad can get back to sleeping?”
“Was that necessary?”

Q went back into his room and dealt with the problem… Sorta.

“Ugh, you know, I love my dad but he seriously makes the dumbest puns….”
(growls in accordance)
“If you were there, you’d cringe too.”
“Oh, you heard him? You know what he did? He went into the lightbulb. So embarrassing!”

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