Annika passes away

Main Save, Playthrough, Porter's Line

Rotating! Hana and Shaquille find a Hugh as a terrible caterer, Chaim’s suddenly a lady killer, Sophia and Kaden’s relationship worsen–And to top it all off, Annika Terrell-Hurd passes away on the sidewalk.
Despite the family mourning, Lila heads over to a birthday party for a young friend.

Cloning Children and a Trip to Sixam

Isaias' Line, Main Save, Playthrough, Porter's Line

I haven’t played with Juliet since Huy died, but I saw that she gave birth to Callen’s daughter and she already aged up into a child, so I feel sorta responsible xD
So apparently there were alien visitors… and they were Juliet’s ex-coworkers who went off to be painters and musicians.